Our story began with a vision. It is a story about courage that dreams big dreams and lives the fruits of their reality. It was the dream of a young painter who, ten years ago, replaced the canvas on the easel with digital painting.

From the first illustration to the largest factory of hand-designed wallpapers

How the Studijo was created, who we are and how your favorite wallpapers are created

At that time, elegance in the brushstroke was looking for its place under the sun. It was this brush that gave birth to the idea of ​​creating art outside of all frameworks. From that vision, Studijo wall paper was created.

We spent every weekend working, fixed working hours were unknown, we gave up everything except children. We used to welcome the morning together with the machines. But we didn’t give up. We simply believed in that story with every atom of ourselves and knew that everything happens for a reason. We knew we didn’t want to be anywhere else. Today, when we see how our wallpapers live the happiness of homes around the world, we know that we have achieved our mission.

People – the definition of our success

Our wallpapers are not just a product – they bring emotion to every room. The story of our people is woven into each of them, which can be felt and experienced.

We are extremely grateful to everyone who walked with us even one step on this path. We believe that this is exactly what the people who put their trust in us and adopted us all over the world felt.

Women as team leaders

Our team consists primarily of women, design and creative experts, true visionaries in the world of design, while male team members are in charge of numbers, production and logistics. It is the people who make all of this worthwhile today.



Graphic designer

Beautiful inside as well as outside. She is the most ridiculous walking vegetarian and the elixir of positivity and empathy. She passed her driver’s license and says she meditates. We saw neither.



Graphic designer

Beautiful, smart, professional and eloquent. She knows how to do her own make-up. She eats breakfast with Iva and is the biggest consumer of oatmeal and Greek yogurt.
Have you ever tried eating the same breakfast for a year? Ida did, we saw it with our own eyes.



Production manager

He likes it the most when we ask him “Can it be done by tomorrow?”. Many can only dream about his patience, self-sacrifice and friendliness. Željko is also a vegetarian, but the other hand. He eats the cow, and the cow eats the grass.



Digital printing operator

A hard-working and cheerful cyclist who brought us quite a few laughs and relieved our production system. The fact that he is a cyclist was not so much necessary for the job description itself, as it came in handy when someone has to quickly pick up food for everyone. Fortunately, Matija’s patience and empathy have never left him, so he returns neatly loaded as if he was driving for a delivery house.



Graphic designer

Clear, cheerful and focused, one more in a line of Studijo’s blue-eyed women. She often forgets to bring breakfast, but it is important to us that he does not forget to come to work because Studijo is happy to have such reinforcement. She lived in Ireland, now she lives in the most beautiful country in the world. We don’t have information about collecting pictures and napkins, but we know that he likes everything that young people like.



Head of administration

In her previous life, she was a detective, our private Google search. She is the one who holds the reins and strings of all events in the office. We hope that her humor and sarcasm will not be discovered by comedy producers, because in that case we can immediately announce a competition for her position. As far as nutrition is concerned, we have not recorded any commitments.



Office manager

When you enter the Studijo, the first thing you will see and who will welcome you is Dijana. Warm, beautiful and accommodating. She is not a vegetarian, she patiently answers our emails, arranges offers for us and makes sure that everyone in the office has a good time.



CEO or whatever he wants, just keep going like this

Goran is an interesting character who married a colleague from the office long before everything looked like this today. He reached the position over the bed. Head of logistics, procurator and control freak. Even in this life he was a petroleum engineer, his offices were in Libya, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and similar destinations. Today, she is living her dream and only sometimes threatens her colleague from the beginning of the story that she will return to Libya. He’s not going anywhere.



Art director and founder

She cooks, draws and writes songs. Everything except the last statement is usable.



Graphic designer

A silly fighter for her rights, always ready for donations of support and understanding. She’s the best for making moodboards and is our fashion consultant.
She is home now, taking care of the baby. A new description will arrive when he returns. But she needs to know that we miss her.

The first Croatian wallpaper factory

In 2022, we put the entire production process under the same roof and started the first Croatian wallpaper factory. After hundreds of failures along the way, creative and production finally drink coffee together. We managed to use all the muscles and muses of inspiration and offer the world a completely Croatian product. Now, every millimeter of wallpaper that leaves our factory carries with it a piece of Croatian design, passion and pride.

“Thank you for being here. For following us, watching, reading and supporting us… Each of your kind words, suggestions, recommendations or orders put together one puzzle in this mosaic of dreams.”

Josipa Maras & Studijo