Terms and conditions (GTC)

Below are the GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF BUSINESS (GTC) which govern the sale of each of our products and which are deemed to have been read and accepted upon payment of each QUOTATION.
The holder of all rights on the website https://studijo.co/ is Studijo Wallart d.o.o., Alberta Ognjana Štrige 19, 10000 Zagreb – HR, OIB: 80861953515 / VAT no.: HR80861953515 / E-mail: info@studijo.co (in hereinafter: STUDIJO) which, through the mentioned website, provides the service of insight into the visual and technical characteristics of its products.
Studijo reserves the right to change the GTC at any time without prior notice and will not be responsible for any possible consequences resulting from such changes. Said changes shall become effective upon publication on this website.
The website can be accessed by people of any age, while purchases according to the official offer can only be made by adults

STUDIJO considers that the sale is concluded with the payment of the official OFFER, in accordance with usual business practice:
1) INQUIRY from the BUYER
2) QUOTATION by STUDIJO (in writing)
4) Sending the VISUAL LAYOUT by STUDIJO (in writing)
5) Approval of the VISUAL APPEARANCE by the BUYER (in writing)
6) PRODUCTION STARTS after the approval of the VISUAL APPEARANCE is received

These General Terms regulate the sale of STUDIJO products listed in the QUOTATION, with the exclusion of further quantities, services, accessories and/or products that are not explicitly described in the QUOTATION itself. The QUOTATION governs the first purchase and every subsequent one, even after some time, and can only be modified by a new QUOTATION from STUDIJO or by separate written agreements between the parties

If the Buyer is a natural person, the GTC does not affect his rights in accordance with Croatian legislation (Trade Act, Electronic Trade Act and Consumer Protection Act).

If the Customer is acting within the scope of his professional and/or commercial business, any obligation and right shall arise only between the Contracting Parties, excluding any further sale in the chain and/or in any case made by a legal entity to the end customer. This applies to all forms of compliance (also of a fiscal nature), guarantee, forfeiture or prescription. STUDIJO does not, and cannot, assume obligations of any kind with end customers and/or third parties towards whom a legal entity, as a seller, has legal obligations and is liable in the event that it promises quality and/or characteristics of products that STUDIJO cannot offer.

The sales prices stated in the QUOTATION sent by STUDIJO prevail over any other stated price, whether it refers to the STUDIJO catalog or to the proposals of agents or dealers, even authorized ones.

Discounts specified in the official QUOTATION on individual items must be considered within the overall proposed business transaction and cannot be singled out individually.

The place of payment is the headquarters of STUDIJO in (Zagreb / ​​Croatia) also in the case of bank drafts or confirmations, letters of credit, bills of exchange, etc. Non-payment or late payment for any reason entitles STUDIJO, without prejudice to any other initiative, to demand advance payment of remaining stock and/or suspend ongoing deliveries and/or cancel order fulfillment, and the Buyer hereby waives the right to claim compensation or anything else. No exceptions for delay or avoidance of payment can be initiated against STUDIJO, except in case of nullity, voidability or cancellation.

The sale of STUDIJO products is Ex-Works (ex works), therefore STUDIJO will fulfill the terms of the contract after delivering the product to the carrier. The INCOTERM clause in force at the time of payment of the offer shall apply. Delivery is understood to be ex-factory, and in the event that on behalf of the Customer, and according to the Customer’s request, STUDIJO takes care of the appointment of the carrier, acting as an ordinary agent.

The ordered product will be packed in such a way that it cannot be damaged by normal handling during transport.
The buyer or the person authorized by the buyer to take over the shipment is obliged to visually check the shipment before taking it over.
In case of visible damage to the packaging, it is necessary to document it and refuse to receive the damaged shipment, and send a picture of the damaged shipment to the email (info@studijo.co) or the address of the STUDIJO headquarters as soon as possible.
After signing the receipt of the shipment, the Buyer or the person authorized by the buyer to take over the shipment confirms that the product had no visible damage to the packaging.
After opening the packaging, the Buyer is obliged to check immediately whether the model and quantities specified on the INVOICE and the approved graphic representation have really been delivered. All reports of defects must be submitted in writing no later than fourteen (14) days after delivery. If no report is received within the aforementioned period, the goods will be considered correct and accepted.

The customer has the right within fourteen (14) days of receiving the product to complain about the purchased product.
In the case of a product complaint, the customer is obliged to contact Studijo in writing via mail or email.
In the complaint, it is necessary to state the number of the order/invoice, the type of problem and attach pictures of the advertised product.
Justified complaints can only be accepted before damaging the product, such as cutting the product or applying glue to the product and/or placing the product on the wall.
Based on a written complaint for the return or replacement of the product, Studijo will return a written response to the customer within 15 days with an explanation of the acceptance or rejection of the complaint.
In case of a positive response to the complaint, Studijo will offer the customer the possibility of refunding the funds on the account or making a new product in the shortest possible time.
In case of a positive response to the complaint, the customer will return the product at his own expense in the condition in which it was delivered and in the original packaging to the Studijo’s address (the address will be indicated in the written response).
After taking over the advertised product, Studijo will, within 15 days, depending on the Customer’s wishes, create a new product and deliver it to the Customer at no additional cost or refund the full amount to the same account from which the payment was received.

The purchase and/or use of STUDIJO products for advertising purposes such as the preparation of photographic sets, environmental decoration or the preparation of backgrounds for product advertising is not permitted except with the written approval of STUDIJO. If no approval has been issued, STUDIJO will proceed directly with the removal of illegal content, also as a precautionary measure, as well as seek compensation for possible damages.

Any variations in color and texture between the final product and the previously submitted sample and/or prototype should not be considered manufacturing defects and therefore cannot be the subject of a complaint. This principle also applies to differences found within the same order batch. These tolerances should be considered inherent characteristics of a normal digital printing system, where the production process and the specifics of the materials used may result in small variations in color and texture that do not compromise the quality, properties and aesthetic appearance of the final product. STUDIJO emphasizes that it is not possible to guarantee exact color matching between designs printed on different materials because the color and outcome of the design is influenced by the specific characteristics of the selected material.

Due to differences in color performance on different screens, it is not possible to guarantee the perfect display of products on our website. Representation of colors and images on our online and offline promotional channels should be considered indicative only and cannot be used as definitive proof of product color or texture as the display on screen cannot accurately replicate the surface conditions, environment and lighting in which the product will be applied by the customer.

In order to prepare the design and for the product to be successfully manufactured, it is extremely important to accurately measure the dimensions of the wall on which the product will be placed. Taking measures and their correct delivery to STUDIJO is the sole responsibility of the Buyer. In the event that measurements, data and information are incorrect, STUDIJO will not be held responsible for defects or deviations in the product or for damages of any kind.

The warranty for all Studijo products is valid for 2 years from the invoice.
The warranty refers to the existence of colors and adhesion to the substrate in closed spaces (BasicWall/DeluxWall for dry spaces and HydraWall for wet spaces).
STUDIJO declares that the products comply with Croatian and EU sector standards that apply to the reference product category. STUDIJO declares that the products are made to fulfill the function of furnishing accessories and/or interior decoration. It confirms that the technical characteristics of the product are those contained in the reference technical sheet. Without prejudice to the content of the point entitled “RECOVERING THE PRODUCT”, all complaints related to product defects must be sent to the STUDIJO company headquarters (Zagreb / ​​​​Croatia) within fourteen (14) days of delivery, and in any case before before the product is used and/or installed. Use of the materials implies an implied disclaimer of any warranty of merchantability. In the event of a complaint, the Customer must give STUDIJO the opportunity to verify the actual existence of the defect and its extent, also by sending photos and/or samples of the disputed product, if STUDIJO requests it.

Any defect and/or deterioration and/or modification that cannot be attributed to STUDIJO is excluded from the warranty and refers to:

  • Defects in the wall covering caused by the condition of the wall (e.g. joints, cracks, plaster irregularities).
  • Defects, scratches or damage caused by use.
  • Inconsistencies or discoloration resulting from the use of aggressive cleaning products.
  • Consequences of maintenance, replacement or intervention performed by persons unauthorized by STUDIJO.
  • Defects resulting from assembly not carried out by STUDIJO.
  • Defects resulting from errors in measurement and/or indication by the Customer.
  • Claims or disputes of third parties not related to the sales contract.
  • Changes in color or differences in shades that fall within the normal tolerability of the product category.
  • Errors resulting from use that does not comply with the highest assembly standards and/or deviations from STUDIJO’s instructions and/or due to the use of inappropriate or low-quality adhesives.
  • Changes or damage resulting from the use of cleaning products that are non-specific and/or corrosive and/or in some way different from those specified in the instructions provided by STUDIJO.
  • Consequences for the product due to use that is not in accordance with what it was made for.
  • Changes or damage caused by external factors and events, even if accidental, also due to the wall and/or the environment on which it is used, such as moisture, mold, scratches, cracks, cuts, burns.

Application of STUDIJO products on surfaces not specifically mentioned in the manuals or in the company’s official installation videos (for example wood, laminate, metal, resin or similar materials) or for purposes other than those for which the wall coverings are designed (for example installation on the floor , doors, panels, outdoors or in similar environments) does not comply with the manufacturer’s instructions. Therefore, in such cases, any warranty issued to the customer will be null and void and STUDIJO will not accept any contractual or non-contractual liability for the same, nor will it be liable for any product defects and/or performance differences discovered as a result. In such cases, the product will be considered sold at the buyer’s risk and peril, and STUDIJO will have no obligations, nor will it be responsible for honoring any warranty.

Without prejudice to the above and provided that you share the relative technical characteristics, STUDIJO may make suggestions regarding the treatment of your installation surfaces, but only as a form of mere courtesy and without accepting any responsibility, upon your request. In the event that you request proposals and/or subsequently make a purchase, it will be considered that the parties are aware of the above conditions and that you have expressly confirmed and accepted them.

Authorization to promote STUDIJO products within e-commerce platforms is exclusively reserved for partner merchants who possess a full sample of the company’s promotional tools and is subject to specific restrictions and requires STUDIJO’s prior written approval. The publication of product prices within the e-commerce area is not permitted under any circumstances. This policy aims to ensure the integrity and quality of information disclosed, thereby protecting both partners and end consumers.

This contract is governed by Croatian law. Any dispute that may arise from its interpretation or implementation will be referred to the court in Zagreb (Croatia).

All images are protected by copyright and may not be reproduced without the written consent of STUDIJO, except for rendering purposes.

These General Business Terms and Conditions (GTC) have been prepared to facilitate good business practices and therefore in the spirit of transparency, accessibility and fairness in balancing the interests of the buyer and the seller. They do not contain disturbing clauses and must be considered representative of the actual will of the parties. They are available in Croatian and other languages. In case of differences in interpretation between the versions, the Croatian language is authoritative.